I had time to execute this project because my mama was in
town to paper and tape the frames, then run upstairs to
love on her grand babies.
Slide the paper under the edging frame of each mirror and
tape the edges.
I had extra paint on hand, so I decided to go with this
(the paint looks crazy bright in this picture, thank you flash!)
I put a tarp down and propped the 3 frames up for
quick and easy paint application.
I happened to have a lamp on hand that was dying fora new color.
In it's life, with me, since I acquired it for $1 at an estate sale,
it has been: green, black, yellow and now funked out turquoise.
After the paint dried, I used a razor blade along the edges of
each mirror to seperate the painted on tape, from the mirror.
(what a difference it makes to eliminate the flash...
this color is more representative of what it truly looks like)
Of course I remembered to take this picture
at night, so this photo does very little
justice to the beauty of this creation. I
vow to replace this picture, when I remember
to snap another in the light of day.
The top two mirrors were finds at junk stores (I am talking dollars for these bad boys!)
and the smaller one used to house a drawing of a loon (yes, I am from Minnesota)
that my mom popped out and had a glass company replace with a cut of mirror
(repurposing at it's greatest!).
Like I seem to always say, look around your house...
what is just screaming to be used differently
(well, maybe not 'differently' in this case, but how absolutely fun is this!!!)