Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Favorite Children's Books

I co-hosted a baby shower this weekend.  In lieu of a greeting card, we asked the attendees to write a message to soon-to-be mom, dad and baby in the front cover of their favorite children's book. That got me thinking about a few of the favorites around this house, that we love to read, during our bedtime reading rituals.

 Have you read this one?  I feel like it flies
way under the radar, but it is such a fun
read, with a great message about being humble.
 It is sooo good!

This has been a favorite of mine since I was a
little kid.  I remember going to a book store in
Minnesota to meet the author and illustrator,
and we still read the copy that was signed 
to me, as a kid. 

An honorable mention by this writing and illustrating 
duo is, King Bidgood's in the Bathtub. I also have
the signed copy of this book from my 
childhood that we often pull out. 

I had never heard of this book or the author, until
we received a small stack of her books when Logi
was born.  This quickly became our favorite and we
still read our copy of this tattered little board book often. 

Honorable mention by this same author is Barnyard Dance
It is still a favorite to read allowed to the kids
(I dig deep and put a little twang in my voice when I read this one!)
This is such a fun and clever read!  This was
introduced into our reading rotation just last
year and it is absolutely a favorite! 

This is MY absolute favorite!  I learned to recite it
when Logi was just a few weeks old and it is still
one that I tell them when rocking them back to sleep in the night.
Our taped up board book shows just how much we love this one.

I am so thankful for the joy of books as the four of us pile into our 
bed every night to read.  It has been such fun, this last year to have 
Logi take on some of the reading aloud. Although, she still much prefers 
us to read to her at bedtime, so she can snuggle in with Benny.

Oh, and I can't sign off without a big, huge shout out to the Berenstain Bear books.
They are a forever favorite.  I remember sitting in my childhood bedroom, on the
phone with Zac (who was back in his childhood bedroom), before we got married,
going through our stacks or Berenstain Bears books, creating one pile of books without
doubles, for our future kids.  A week has not passed, since we had our kiddos, that 
hasn't included the adventures of this fun loving bear family!


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