Friday, August 9, 2013

Chance Encounter with Wolfgang Puck

I am going out on a limb, and really using the words 'chance encounter' very loosely when I reference a fun little run in we had last week.  It was not really out of the ordinary, since we were up in Bachelor Gulch, and Wolfgang Puck owns a restaurant, Spago, at the hotel...but come on, how often do you get to say out loud, I JUST SAW WOLFGANG PUCK HIKING!!!!!  IN HIS CHEF JACKET!!!'  It was a wonderful moment as I think he seems a tiny bit magical.  I, of course, didn't have my camera handy when we saw him hiking (certainly he had to be foraging for something fantastic, yes?), but later I did have it on hand when we saw him in the lobby, as we were getting ready for some swimming.  Since Logi is a bit of a novice with the camera buttons, I thought I would have her stand it, for me, for a picture with this cooking legend.  She was thrilled, and did inquire if he was santa!!!  No joke.  I can't blame her. Her mom (me) just asked her to snap a pic with a total stranger, the only other time that is kosher is when we meet up with the jolly old man in the red suit each winter. 

Photo proof of this AmazeFest run in.  Photo proof that Logi could not give 2 shakes.

Here's to hoping I can teach her my ways, before Sundance 2018...that might be the year she gets an invite.


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