Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Valentine's GIVEAWAY!!!

Can you feel the love tonight?  Well, I can!  That is why I am throwing out this amazeballs little giveaway.

Here's your chance to win a cutie little creation, whipped up by yours truly!!!

I will personalize a papier mache canvas, just for you...IF YOU WIN.

If you are the big, bad winner, I ask that you tell me your favorite song of LOVE...whether it be the song you danced to at your wedding, the song you sing to your children each night, or the 80s song of love you rock out to in the shower (no judgement, I too love me some Chicago!)...and I will personalize the cutest little canvas ever and pop it in the mail to you.  It is certain to arrive in time for the celebration of Hallmark's love for us all.  I promise this little piece is so cute, you will certainly keep it on display, year round!

Want to win???  You need to make sure you are listed as a follower of the blog (via 'join this site' along the bottom right of the blog page), and leave me a comment that tells me so.

I am really trying to get loads of followers of my blog, so if you are a follower and promote this contest on your blog, facebook, twitter or at the water cooler at work (you catch my drift),  let me know and you get an extra chance to win!

xoxo.  The contest ends Tuesday, February 15th at noon. 


  1. I love my Christmas canvas...might need a Tia creation for every holiday. :-) I've shared your goodness on Twitter.

  2. Hey I'm following you now! I'll post on my facebook too!

  3. I just sent you a facebook message! I think I can't find the link because I am already a follower! My favorite song is Brad Paisley "We Danced", Ryan and I danced to it at our wedding! Ryan was in charge of picking our first dance song and he picked that! I love your creations and would love to win one!!

  4. Posted on facebook and is now a follower! I hope you get a lot of followers!! XOXO

  5. Follower! My favorite love song is the fun little song they sing at the beginning of a show that Jordyn's little Sister loves called 'Guess How Much I Love You?' She and I sing it together while I'm there sitting for her and I love singing it with her! (She's 3) =)
